Tuesday, October 22, 2024


  John 16:13

King James Version

13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, 

he will guide you into all truth: 

for he shall not speak of himself; 

but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: 

and he will shew you things to come.

It happened again.

The HOLY SPIRIT gave instructions again.

This time, not just for one person, but for ALL of us.

He delivered the message in the non-stop way He does.

Like in few months past.

Wherein I was just about to sleep, and He made me get up.

He gave me phrases for someone I had alerted regarding his work.

Telling him that he was serving spoiled, rich people.

Even as he was born again.

I felt the two were incongruous.

Apparently, SPIRIT was in agreement.

For He gave me "key" phrases several nights later.

It started with one phrase.

This, I wrote down, as I always do, when SPIRIT "speaks".

Thinking that was it, I went back to bed.

Boy, was I ever wrong!

He gave another set, then nothing was forthcoming.

Soon as I went back to bed, He gave another.

We repeated the same cycle several times.

It became too urgent, and yet funny, that I just decided to stay up until no more "instructions" came.

That night, I ended up getting just three hours sleep.

For the matter was truly urgent.

So urgent, I urged my friend to meet up the following day.

SPIRIT's alerts were written on the first piece of paper I could find.

So, it was mostly "scrawls".

Almost non-legible for I had to write it down fast.

One warning was about not going to a certain restaurant.

Which SPIRIT considered a "den of demons".

I delivered the "messages", he listened with attention.

But I have no idea if he acted on it.

The choice is always his.

Well, a curious thing happened to my friend.

Which I shall talk about more in another post.

Or maybe not; I don't know yet.

I knew then that I was right.

And not "projecting" self.

SPIRIT was truly working "through" me.

I was not imagining things.

I have been born again over five years* now.

When SPIRIT talks, I listen.

I drop everything, and rush for a pen and pad.

Now, I have TONS of notes all over the place.

These have become guides for my articles.

And we happen to have 108 blogs, and 24 ebooks now.


You can imagine the VOLUME of prompts, commands, alerts, and instructions given.

Which we share with the world almost daily.

When SPIRIT works through you, your whole mind, body, and spirit are alert, active, and alive.

Every cell trembling, feeling the power of His WORD.

Almost like a fever running through you.

And you become eager to write down EVERYTHING given.

Making sure you don't miss a thing.

Writing as fast as you can keep up.

JUST as it is given, with no deviation, or alteration.

GOD knows I've set aside self for the LORD alone.

I want my mind pure, and clear, free of my own garbage.

Because I want to get His "messages" perfectly.

Unimpeded by self.

Self must not be there when GOD is present.

We are on HOLY ground.

Exodus 3:4-5

King James Version

4 And when the Lord saw that he turned aside to see, 

God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, 

and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I.

5 And he said, 

Draw not nigh hither: 

put off thy shoes from off thy feet, 

for the place whereon thou standest 

is holy ground.

Well, folks, it happened again yesterday.

I was just done with breakfast when the "urge" to take down notes came.

It became a rapid-fire series of statements, and commands.

This time, it was not just one sheet of tiny paper.

It became SEVEN!

Comprising one-and-a-half bond paper total.

Because I always recycle backs of grocery receipts.

And here's what SPIRIT made me write down for ALL of us:

We are in the end times.

Only one question matters:

Do you want to be a 



a soldier of Satan?

It's all positioning now.

Take your stand.

The real battle is about to begin.

There is no turning back now.

Expect a series of battles.

The victor will always be CHRIST.

Don't say SPIRIT didn't warn you.

Man is no match for SPIRIT.

Man is fighting the wrong battle.

Drop all your weapons.

Prepare for the COMING of CHRIST.

All your little concerns are nothing when JESUS comes for His faithful.

All your seeming big concerns are as nothing to JESUS.

Prepare for His COMING!

The just will finally be free!

The righteous will finally be with JESUS.

The born again will finally be proven right.

We are in the most exciting battle ever.

Make your stand now!


You want to be on the winning side?

-- TURN to CHRIST now.

-- GET RID of your "toys".

The battle is really so simple.

CHOOSE your side:


*CURIOUS thing:

As I checked that article quoting "over five years" now as born again above, the words I had written on the bottom of that article was:

"Christ's time has come."

Well, it is here, now.

The very reason the URGENCY of SPIRIT's message above.

GOD's WILL be done!

Related material:

The REAL battle

The TASK given me

CURIOUS critical times

Why you MUST turn to JESUS now!

The Most Intriguing Words of Jesus For Me






WAKE UP series



END times

CHRIST's soldier

GOD's GLORY blogs

BORN AGAIN classics


  John 16:13 King James Version 13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come,  he will guide you into all truth:  for he shall not speak...